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New Starters


Preschool Leader - Nichola Hather

Deputy Leader - Emma Wallace 

Acting Deputy/ Third in Charge - Gemma Lane

Early Years Practitioners - Sam Hodges

Bank Staff - Lynne Dales, Nicole cooper, Kristy Wood, Suzanne Bielewicz, Louise Whitaker

Committee Chairperson - Jonathan Allen


Welcome! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new children, parents and carers to Wymeswold Preschool. The aim of these pages is to give you some basic information about how Wymeswold Preschool is run, our aims and objectives and a brief summary of some of our policies. Comments and suggestions from parents are always welcome.


Our aims and Objectives:

  • Ensure a happy transition from home to preschool for both you and your child

  • Provide a welcoming, safe, secure and stimulating environment

  • Enable children to play with their contemporaries in a happy and relaxed atmosphere

  • Encourage learning through play by offering a variety of both adult lead and self directed activities

  • Encourage both indoor and outdoor play

  • Facilitate a smooth transition from preschool to school through close links with Wymeswold Primary School


Wymeswold Memorial Hall

Clay Street




LE12 6TY

Tel: 07599059061

E-mail: Registered Charity Number: 1027215

Ofsted Registration Number: EY231720



Preschool is held every weekday from 9am – 3pm during term time. Parents will be notified of term-dates by email at the beginning of each terms, these are also posted on the notice board outside preschool.


Settling in Days


Happy confident children usually learn best, so we try hard to make children feel welcome and comfortable when they join us. In order to help with this we offer 2 settling in sessions. These sessions are free of charge but we do require an adult to accompany your child for the whole of the session. This gives your child a chance to become familiar with the staff, routine and the other children who attend preschool whilst having the comfort of a familiar person with them. We appreciate that some children take longer to settle than others; we encourage you to talk to us if you have any concerns.




Many Preschool activities indoors and outdoors are messy; we would therefore advise you not to send your child to preschool in their best clothes. We do try to protect clothing with aprons, however accidents do happen and we cannot be held responsible for damaged clothing. We would ask that you supply a spare set of clothes from home to use in the event of an accident including socks, pants, trousers/skirt and a top. Could you please ensure that suitable outdoor clothing is also available for your child to wear as we do go and play outside whatever the weather. Wellingtons and waterproof trousers for use during wet/snowy weather, hat, scarf and gloves during winter and a sunhat in the summer. Please ensure that all belongings are named.




Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend preschool. If your child wears nappies, it would be helpful if you could provide your child with a bag containing nappies, wipes, nappy sacks and cream if needed. We are happy to support parents when they feel their child is ready to start using a potty or toilet. Children using the toilet will be encouraged to be as independent as possible, but a member of staff will always be present to lend a hand if necessary. 


Snack Bar


We run a Snack Bar during each session and each child is given the opportunity to taste a variety of fruit, raw vegetables, breadsticks, crackers and other seasonal/festive/culturally appropriate foods. We also offer a choice of milk or water and encourage children to pour their own drink in order to develop independence and coordination. Please let a member of staff know if your child has any allergies or food intolerances so that we can provide appropriate choices for them.

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